user manual - tradução para alemão
Dicionário Online

user manual - tradução para alemão

User manual; User's manual; Software manual; Getting Started Guide; User's guide
  • The user guide engraved into a model of the Antikythera Mechanism.
  • User's guide for a [[Dulcitone]] keyboard

user manual         
Gebrauchsanleitung, Anleitung
user name         
Screen name (computing); User name; Username; Computer user; Account (computing); UserName; User Name; User-name; User-Name; Normal user; Screenname; User name policy; Internet pseudonym; User area; Computer logon; Computer users; My account; Screenames; Aol screen names; AOL screen names; Usernames; User Account; User Accounts; User accounts; User preferences; Changing Username; User names; Switching usernames; Switching user names; User account; User (system); Software users; Changing username; Login name; In-game name; Account name; Warmware
Benutzername, ein spezieller Name der den Benutzer in einem Zugang zu einer Anlage mit vielen Benutzern kennzeichnet
user preferences         
Screen name (computing); User name; Username; Computer user; Account (computing); UserName; User Name; User-name; User-Name; Normal user; Screenname; User name policy; Internet pseudonym; User area; Computer logon; Computer users; My account; Screenames; Aol screen names; AOL screen names; Usernames; User Account; User Accounts; User accounts; User preferences; Changing Username; User names; Switching usernames; Switching user names; User account; User (system); Software users; Changing username; Login name; In-game name; Account name; Warmware
User Vorzüge, Sammlung von Einstellungen und Optionen von einem User ausgesucht (Computer)


user name
<operating system, security> (Or "logon") A unique name for each user of computer services which can be accessed by several persons. Users need to identify themselves for accounting, security, logging, and resource management. Usually a person must also enter a password in order to access a service. Once the user has logged on the operating system will often use a (short) user identifier, e.g. an integer, to refer to them rather than their user name. User names can usually be any short string of alphanumeric characters. Common choices are first name, initials, or some combination of first name, last name, initials and an arbitrary number. User names are often assigned by {system administrators} according to some local policy, or they may be chosen by the users themselves. User names are often also used as mailbox names in electronic mail addresses. (1997-03-16)


User guide

A user guide, also commonly known as a user manual, is intended to assist users in using a particular product, service or application. It's usually written by a technician, product developer, or a company's customer service staff.

Most user guides contain both a written guide and associated images. In the case of computer applications, it is usual to include screenshots of the human-machine interface(s), and hardware manuals often include clear, simplified diagrams. The language used is matched to the intended audience, with jargon kept to a minimum or explained thoroughly.

Exemplos de pronúncia para user manual
1. on our website called the user manual,
Emotions at Work and How They Help Us Succeed _ Mollie West Duffy _ Talks at Google
2. guess they wanted to taste the user manual or something.
Made by Hand _ Mark Frauenfelder _ Talks at Google
Exemplos do corpo de texto para user manual
1. The user manual accompanying Apple‘s iPod includes a warning about listening at high volumes.
2. The iPod user manual already warns customers about the potential for permanent hearing loss if the player‘s earphones or headphones are used a high volume.